No Matches
Finite Volumes

ExaHyPE 2 offers a range of Finite Volume solvers. They are designed to be stand-alone solvers, but nothing stops you from using them as a posteriori limiters by coupling them to higher order schemes. Some hands-on descriptions of the numerics can be found in the tutorial section.

Das sollte viel mehr Projektionen enthalten, also wie die Realisiert sind

Data structures

Each Finite Volume solver embeds \(N \times N\) patches into the octants (cells of the spacetree). ExaHyPE is built on top of Peano, and Peano realises a strict element-wise traversal, i.e. there's no way to access the neighbour cell of a cell directly. However, we can hijack the faces.

The idea here is that we embed a \(2 \times N\) ( \(d=2\)) or \(2 \times N \times N\) ( \(d=3\)), respectively, patch into each face. Let this auxiliary patch overlap the adjacent cells. Then, we effectively have a halo of one cell available within each cell: We know the cell data. We also have access to the \(2d\) faces where each hosts a degenerated patch. One later of this patch is a copy of our own data, i.e. does not give us additional information. The other layer of the auxiliary patch however holds data from the neighbour. It gives us information from the neighbour patch.

Keeping face data and patch data consistent

Projecting the patches onto the face data structures and back is a mechnical task. Therefore,  offers a toolbox to relieve you from the pain to recode it over and over again. Using this toolbox, you add the projections to your algorithmic steps, and the API then automatically injects these features (aspects) into your code:

The image above illustrates what ProjectPatchOntoFaces does: It knows the dimensions of both the patches and the face auxiliary data structures and thus can ensure that the right data is copied from the cell into the \(2^d\) faces when we leave a cell throughout the grid traversal.

Augment patch with halo

The action set ReconstructPatchAndApplyFunctor works slighlty different yet can be read, from a patch projection point of view, as transpose of ProjectPatchOntoFaces: It creates a auxiliary variable reconstructedX with X being the name you gave the Unknowns of the patch. This auxiliary variable has the dimensions \(N+2 \times N+2 \times N+2\). It then copies over the patch data into this auxiliary patch and uses the faces to supplement it with halo data around it. So that it, you get the original patch data plus the cells around it in one big patch.

Code organisation

Peano offers a toolbox in toolbox::blockstructured which offers most of the basic data structures and action sets. The actual patches can either be embedded as plain arrays into each cell, or they can be held as arrays on the heap and the cells hold (smart) pointers to these heap objects. It depends on your use case which variant is faster.

On the Python API side, the class exahype2.solvers.fv.FV is the base class of all Finite Volume solvers. Its class documentation holds a lot of background information on the solver design and data flows. There are two major subclasses: exahype2.solvers.fv.SingleSweep and exahype2.solvers.fv.EnclaveTasking. They realise a straightforward realisation with one mesh traversal per time step or the enclave concept, respectively.