8 template<
int Rows,
int Cols,
typename Scalar>
23#include <initializer_list>
int Rows,
int Cols,
typename Scalar>
47 Matrix(
const Scalar& value);
48 Matrix( std::initializer_list<Scalar> values );
74 #ifdef UseManualInlining
82 return _values[rowIndex * Cols + colIndex];
92 #ifdef UseManualInlining
100 return _values[rowIndex * Cols + colIndex];
107 template <
typename NewScalarType>
#define assertion5(expr, param0, param1, param2, param3, param4)
int __attribute__((optimize("O0"))) toolbox
std::string toString() const
std::string toPrettyString(int numberOfDigits=4) const
Scalar _values[Rows *Cols]
Values of the matrix components.
int cols() const
Returns the number of columns in the matrix.
Constructs a non-initialized matrix.
Scalar & operator()(int rowIndex, int colIndex)
Returns element at given row and column index (from 0..size-1).
int size() const
Returns the number of total elements in the matrix.
tarch::la::Matrix< Rows, Cols, NewScalarType > convertScalar() const
const Scalar * data() const
int rows() const
Returns the number of rows in the matrix.
Scalar * data()
This routine returns a pointer to the first data element.
Have to include this header, as I need access to the SYCL_EXTERNAL keyword.