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exahype2::fv::rusanov::loopbodies Namespace Reference


template<class QInEnumeratorType , class QOutEnumeratorType >
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions GPUCallableInlineMethod void copySolution (const double *__restrict__ QIn, const QInEnumeratorType &QInEnumerator, int patchIndex, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > &volumeIndex, int unknown, double *__restrict__ QOut, const QOutEnumeratorType &QOutEnumerator) InlineMethod
 Copy solution from QIn to QOut.
template<int NumberOfUnknowns, int NumberOfAuxiliaryVariables, class QInEnumeratorType , class QOutEnumeratorType >
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions void copySolutionAndAddSourceTerm (const double *__restrict__ QIn, const QInEnumeratorType &QInEnumerator, const SourceFunctor &sourceFunctor, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchCentre, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchSize, int patchIndex, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > &volumeIndex, double t, double dt, double *__restrict__ QOut, const QOutEnumeratorType &QOutEnumerator) InlineMethod
 Copy previous solution over into new time step and add source term.
template<int NumberOfUnknowns, int NumberOfAuxiliaryVariables>
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions void copySolutionAndAddSourceTerm (const double *__restrict__ QIn, const enumerator::AoSLexicographicEnumerator &QInEnumerator, const SourceFunctor &sourceFunctor, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchCentre, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchSize, int patchIndex, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > &volumeIndex, double t, double dt, double *__restrict__ QOut, const enumerator::AoSLexicographicEnumerator &QOutEnumerator) InlineMethod
 Specialisation of the other exahype2::fv::rusanov::loopbodies::copySolutionAndAddSourceTerm() which exploits knowledge that we do not have to gather input data, as the input data is delivered as AoS already.
template<class SolverType , class QInEnumeratorType , class QOutEnumeratorType >
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions GPUCallableInlineMethod void copySolutionAndAddSourceTerm (const double *__restrict__ QIn, const QInEnumeratorType &QInEnumerator, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchCentre, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchSize, int patchIndex, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > &volumeIndex, double t, double dt, double *__restrict__ QOut, const QOutEnumeratorType &QOutEnumerator) InlineMethod
 Specialisation invoking the static source variant via SolverType (for GPUs).
template<class SolverType >
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions GPUCallableInlineMethod void copySolutionAndAddSourceTerm (const double *__restrict__ QIn, const enumerator::AoSLexicographicEnumerator &QInEnumerator, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchCentre, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchSize, int patchIndex, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > &volumeIndex, double t, double dt, double *__restrict__ QOut, const enumerator::AoSLexicographicEnumerator &QOutEnumerator) InlineMethod
 Specialisation invoking the static source variant via SolverType (for GPUs).
template<int NumberOfUnknowns, int NumberOfAuxiliaryVariables, class QInEnumeratorType , class MaxEigenvalueEnumeratorType >
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions void computeMaxEigenvalue (const double *__restrict__ QIn, const QInEnumeratorType &QInEnumerator, const MaxEigenvalueFunctor &maxEigenvalueFunctor, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchCentre, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchSize, int patchIndex, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > &volumeIndex, double t, double dt, int normal, double *__restrict__ maxEigenvalue, const MaxEigenvalueEnumeratorType &maxEigenvalueEnumerator) InlineMethod
 Compute maximum eigenvalue for one voxel in one direction.
template<int NumberOfUnknowns, int NumberOfAuxiliaryVariables>
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions void computeMaxEigenvalue (const double *__restrict__ QIn, const enumerator::AoSLexicographicEnumerator &QInEnumerator, const MaxEigenvalueFunctor &maxEigenvalueFunctor, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchCentre, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchSize, int patchIndex, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > &volumeIndex, double t, double dt, int normal, double *__restrict__ maxEigenvalue, const enumerator::AoSLexicographicEnumerator &maxEigenvalueEnumerator) InlineMethod
 Specialisation if input data is already in AoS format.
template<class SolverType , class QInEnumeratorType , class MaxEigenvalueEnumeratorType >
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions GPUCallableInlineMethod void computeMaxEigenvalue (const double *__restrict__ QIn, const QInEnumeratorType &QInEnumerator, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchCentre, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchSize, int patchIndex, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > &volumeIndex, double t, double dt, int normal, double *__restrict__ maxEigenvalue, const MaxEigenvalueEnumeratorType &maxEigenvalueEnumerator) InlineMethod
 Specialisation invoking the static eigenvalue variant (for GPUs).
template<class SolverType , class MaxEigenvalueEnumeratorType >
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions GPUCallableInlineMethod void computeMaxEigenvalue (const double *__restrict__ QIn, const enumerator::AoSLexicographicEnumerator &QInEnumerator, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchCentre, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchSize, int patchIndex, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > &volumeIndex, double t, double dt, int normal, double *__restrict__ maxEigenvalue, const MaxEigenvalueEnumeratorType &maxEigenvalueEnumerator) InlineMethod
 Specialisation for static eigenvalue call plus AoS input data.
template<int NumberOfUnknowns, int NumberOfAuxiliaryVariables, class QOutEnumeratorType >
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions double reduceMaxEigenvalue (const double *__restrict__ QOut, const QOutEnumeratorType &QOutEnumerator, const MaxEigenvalueFunctor &maxEigenvalueFunctor, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchCentre, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchSize, int patchIndex, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > &volumeIndex, double t, double dt) InlineMethod
 This is the actual eigenvalue loop which reduces the directional eigenvalues.
template<int NumberOfUnknowns, int NumberOfAuxiliaryVariables>
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions double reduceMaxEigenvalue (const double *__restrict__ QOut, const enumerator::AoSLexicographicEnumerator &QOutEnumerator, const MaxEigenvalueFunctor &maxEigenvalueFunctor, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchCentre, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchSize, int patchIndex, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > &volumeIndex, double t, double dt) InlineMethod
 Specialisation anticipating that the ordering of the output data will be AoS in almost all the cases.
template<class SolverType , class QOutEnumeratorType >
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions GPUCallableInlineMethod double reduceMaxEigenvalue (const double *__restrict__ QOut, const QOutEnumeratorType &QOutEnumerator, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchCentre, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchSize, int patchIndex, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > &volumeIndex, double t, double dt) InlineMethod
 Specialised version for GPU.
template<class SolverType >
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions GPUCallableInlineMethod double reduceMaxEigenvalue (const double *__restrict__ QOut, const enumerator::AoSLexicographicEnumerator &QOutEnumerator, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchCentre, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchSize, int patchIndex, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > &volumeIndex, double t, double dt) InlineMethod
 Optimised version for the GPU which is furthermore optimised towards one specific unknown enumeration.
template<int NumberOfUnknowns, int NumberOfAuxiliaryVariables, class QInEnumeratorType , class FluxEnumeratorType >
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions void computeFlux (const double *__restrict__ QIn, const QInEnumeratorType &QInEnumerator, const FluxFunctor &fluxFunctor, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchCentre, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchSize, int patchIndex, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > &volumeIndex, double t, double dt, int normal, double *__restrict__ flux, const FluxEnumeratorType &fluxEnumerator) InlineMethod
 Compute the flux in one direction for a volume and store it.
template<int NumberOfUnknowns, int NumberOfAuxiliaryVariables>
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions void computeFlux (const double *__restrict__ QIn, const enumerator::AoSLexicographicEnumerator &QInEnumerator, const FluxFunctor &fluxFunctor, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchCentre, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchSize, int patchIndex, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > &volumeIndex, double t, double dt, int normal, double *__restrict__ flux, const enumerator::AoSLexicographicEnumerator &fluxEnumerator) InlineMethod
template<class SolverType , class QInEnumeratorType , class FluxEnumeratorType >
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions GPUCallableInlineMethod void computeFlux (const double *__restrict__ QIn, const QInEnumeratorType &QInEnumerator, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchCentre, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchSize, int patchIndex, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > &volumeIndex, double t, double dt, int normal, double *__restrict__ flux, const FluxEnumeratorType &fluxEnumerator) InlineMethod
 Specialisation invoking the static flux variant via SolverType (for GPUs).
template<class SolverType , class FluxEnumeratorType >
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions GPUCallableInlineMethod void computeFlux (const double *__restrict__ QIn, const enumerator::AoSLexicographicEnumerator &QInEnumerator, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchCentre, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchSize, int patchIndex, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > &volumeIndex, double t, double dt, int normal, double *__restrict__ flux, const FluxEnumeratorType &fluxEnumerator) InlineMethod
template<class SolverType >
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions GPUCallableInlineMethod void computeFlux (const double *__restrict__ QIn, const enumerator::AoSLexicographicEnumerator &QInEnumerator, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchCentre, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchSize, int patchIndex, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > &volumeIndex, double t, double dt, int normal, double *__restrict__ flux, const enumerator::AoSLexicographicEnumerator &fluxEnumerator) InlineMethod
template<class FluxEnumeratorType , class QOutEnumeratorType >
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions GPUCallableInlineMethod void updateSolutionWithFlux (const double *__restrict__ tempFluxX, const double *__restrict__ tempFluxY, const double *__restrict__ tempFluxZ, const FluxEnumeratorType &fluxEnumerator, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchCentre, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchSize, int patchIndex, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > &volumeIndex, int unknown, double dt, double *__restrict__ QOut, const QOutEnumeratorType &QOutEnumerator) InlineMethod
 Update one volume with the flux contribution.
template<class FluxEnumeratorType , class QOutEnumeratorType >
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions GPUCallableInlineMethod void updateSolutionWithFlux (const double *__restrict__ fluxL, const double *__restrict__ fluxR, const FluxEnumeratorType &fluxEnumerator, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchCentre, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchSize, int patchIndex, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > &volumeIndex, int unknown, double dt, int normal, double *__restrict__ QOut, const QOutEnumeratorType &QOutEnumerator) InlineMethod
 Constructs the average of the flux and adds it to the left and right neighbour cell with inverted sign.
template<class QInEnumeratorType , class MaxEigenvalueEnumeratorType , class QOutEnumeratorType >
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions GPUCallableInlineMethod void updateSolutionWithEigenvalueDamping (const double *__restrict__ QIn, const QInEnumeratorType &QInEnumerator, const double *__restrict__ tempMaxEigenvalueX, const double *__restrict__ tempMaxEigenvalueY, const double *__restrict__ tempMaxEigenvalueZ, const MaxEigenvalueEnumeratorType &eigenvalueEnumerator, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchCentre, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchSize, int patchIndex, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > &volumeIndex, int unknown, double dt, double *__restrict__ QOut, const QOutEnumeratorType &QOutEnumerator) InlineMethod
 Uses the eigenvalues to damp the solution update.
template<class QInEnumeratorType , class QOutEnumeratorType >
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions GPUCallableInlineMethod void updateSolutionWithEigenvalueDamping (const double *__restrict__ QIn, const QInEnumeratorType &QInEnumerator, double maxEigenvalueL, double maxEigenvalueR, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchCentre, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchSize, int patchIndex, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > &volumeIndex, int unknown, double dt, int normal, double *__restrict__ QOut, const QOutEnumeratorType &QOutEnumerator) InlineMethod
 Face-wise version of routine, i.e., it takes the eigenvalues and updates the left and right adjacent volume of it.
template<int NumberOfUnknowns, int NumberOfAuxiliaryVariables, class QInEnumeratorType , class NCPFaceEnumeratorType >
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions void computeNonconservativeFlux (const double *__restrict__ QIn, const QInEnumeratorType &QInEnumerator, const NonconservativeProductFunctor &ncpFunctor, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchCentre, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchSize, int patchIndex, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > &volumeIndex, double t, double dt, int normal, double *__restrict__ ncp, const NCPFaceEnumeratorType &ncpEnumerator) InlineMethod
 Compute non-conservative flux over one face along normal normal.
template<class SolverType , class QInEnumeratorType , class NCPFaceEnumeratorType >
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions GPUCallableInlineMethod void computeNonconservativeFlux (const double *__restrict__ QIn, const QInEnumeratorType &QInEnumerator, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchCentre, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchSize, int patchIndex, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > &volumeIndex, double t, double dt, int normal, double *__restrict__ ncp, const NCPFaceEnumeratorType &ncpEnumerator) InlineMethod
 Specialisation invoking the static NCP variant via SolverType (for GPUs).
template<class NCPFaceEnumeratorType , class QOutEnumeratorType >
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions GPUCallableInlineMethod void updateSolutionWithNonconservativeFlux (const double *__restrict__ ncpX, const double *__restrict__ ncpY, const double *__restrict__ ncpZ, const NCPFaceEnumeratorType &ncpEnumerator, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchCentre, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchSize, int patchIndex, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > &volumeIndex, int unknown, double dt, double *__restrict__ QOut, const QOutEnumeratorType &QOutEnumerator) InlineMethod
 Add the non-conservative flux contributions to one volume.
template<class NCPFaceEnumeratorType , class QOutEnumeratorType >
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions GPUCallableInlineMethod void updateSolutionWithNonconservativeFlux (const double *__restrict__ ncp, const NCPFaceEnumeratorType &ncpEnumerator, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchCentre, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &patchSize, int patchIndex, const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > &faceIndex, int unknown, double dt, int normal, double *__restrict__ QOut, const QOutEnumeratorType &QOutEnumerator) InlineMethod
 Face-oriented flavour of NCP.

Detailed Description


Where it makes sense, we provide specialisations of the routines which exploit that input data and output data are available as AoS. All of ExaHyPE's user routines are phrased as AoS, i.e., you are given one or two or a set of structs representing a volume, and then you return a struct (tuple) of outputs. If the underlying data storage is not organised as AoS, then we have to first gather data, pass it into the user functions, and then fetch it back. If data however is organised as AoS, we can directly invoke the user's functions on the data. No need to gather and scatter. While I refer to these routines as specialisations, they are technically realised via template overloading.

Further to the specialisation, each loop body routine is also available in its static stateless counterpart, i.e., in a version which does not accept a functor but directly invokes the underlying solver's routines. These special cases refer to the actual static routines which are there to support accelerators.


It seems that the compilers refuse to vectorise over the loop body routines. It expects them to be declared as SIMD. This is strange given that we inline everything, but if the compiler wants it, we can give it to the tool.

Function Documentation

◆ computeFlux() [1/5]

template<class SolverType >
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions GPUCallableInlineMethod void exahype2::fv::rusanov::loopbodies::computeFlux ( const double *__restrict__ QIn,
const enumerator::AoSLexicographicEnumerator & QInEnumerator,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchCentre,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchSize,
int patchIndex,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > & volumeIndex,
double t,
double dt,
int normal,
double *__restrict__ flux,
const enumerator::AoSLexicographicEnumerator & fluxEnumerator )

◆ computeFlux() [2/5]

template<class SolverType , class FluxEnumeratorType >
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions GPUCallableInlineMethod void exahype2::fv::rusanov::loopbodies::computeFlux ( const double *__restrict__ QIn,
const enumerator::AoSLexicographicEnumerator & QInEnumerator,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchCentre,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchSize,
int patchIndex,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > & volumeIndex,
double t,
double dt,
int normal,
double *__restrict__ flux,
const FluxEnumeratorType & fluxEnumerator )

◆ computeFlux() [3/5]

template<int NumberOfUnknowns, int NumberOfAuxiliaryVariables>
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions void exahype2::fv::rusanov::loopbodies::computeFlux ( const double *__restrict__ QIn,
const enumerator::AoSLexicographicEnumerator & QInEnumerator,
const FluxFunctor & fluxFunctor,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchCentre,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchSize,
int patchIndex,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > & volumeIndex,
double t,
double dt,
int normal,
double *__restrict__ flux,
const enumerator::AoSLexicographicEnumerator & fluxEnumerator )

◆ computeFlux() [4/5]

template<class SolverType , class QInEnumeratorType , class FluxEnumeratorType >
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions GPUCallableInlineMethod void exahype2::fv::rusanov::loopbodies::computeFlux ( const double *__restrict__ QIn,
const QInEnumeratorType & QInEnumerator,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchCentre,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchSize,
int patchIndex,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > & volumeIndex,
double t,
double dt,
int normal,
double *__restrict__ flux,
const FluxEnumeratorType & fluxEnumerator )

Specialisation invoking the static flux variant via SolverType (for GPUs).

◆ computeFlux() [5/5]

template<int NumberOfUnknowns, int NumberOfAuxiliaryVariables, class QInEnumeratorType , class FluxEnumeratorType >
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions void exahype2::fv::rusanov::loopbodies::computeFlux ( const double *__restrict__ QIn,
const QInEnumeratorType & QInEnumerator,
const FluxFunctor & fluxFunctor,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchCentre,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchSize,
int patchIndex,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > & volumeIndex,
double t,
double dt,
int normal,
double *__restrict__ flux,
const FluxEnumeratorType & fluxEnumerator )

Compute the flux in one direction for a volume and store it.

Computing the fluxes requires us to gather the input data, invoke the flux function and then to scatter the result again, as the user signatures require an AoS data format whereas the loop body itself is generic.

◆ computeMaxEigenvalue() [1/4]

template<class SolverType , class MaxEigenvalueEnumeratorType >
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions GPUCallableInlineMethod void exahype2::fv::rusanov::loopbodies::computeMaxEigenvalue ( const double *__restrict__ QIn,
const enumerator::AoSLexicographicEnumerator & QInEnumerator,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchCentre,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchSize,
int patchIndex,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > & volumeIndex,
double t,
double dt,
int normal,
double *__restrict__ maxEigenvalue,
const MaxEigenvalueEnumeratorType & maxEigenvalueEnumerator )

Specialisation for static eigenvalue call plus AoS input data.

◆ computeMaxEigenvalue() [2/4]

template<int NumberOfUnknowns, int NumberOfAuxiliaryVariables>
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions void exahype2::fv::rusanov::loopbodies::computeMaxEigenvalue ( const double *__restrict__ QIn,
const enumerator::AoSLexicographicEnumerator & QInEnumerator,
const MaxEigenvalueFunctor & maxEigenvalueFunctor,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchCentre,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchSize,
int patchIndex,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > & volumeIndex,
double t,
double dt,
int normal,
double *__restrict__ maxEigenvalue,
const enumerator::AoSLexicographicEnumerator & maxEigenvalueEnumerator )

Specialisation if input data is already in AoS format.

This holds for all of our kernels unless you explicitly reorder the input.

◆ computeMaxEigenvalue() [3/4]

template<class SolverType , class QInEnumeratorType , class MaxEigenvalueEnumeratorType >
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions GPUCallableInlineMethod void exahype2::fv::rusanov::loopbodies::computeMaxEigenvalue ( const double *__restrict__ QIn,
const QInEnumeratorType & QInEnumerator,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchCentre,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchSize,
int patchIndex,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > & volumeIndex,
double t,
double dt,
int normal,
double *__restrict__ maxEigenvalue,
const MaxEigenvalueEnumeratorType & maxEigenvalueEnumerator )

Specialisation invoking the static eigenvalue variant (for GPUs).

◆ computeMaxEigenvalue() [4/4]

template<int NumberOfUnknowns, int NumberOfAuxiliaryVariables, class QInEnumeratorType , class MaxEigenvalueEnumeratorType >
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions void exahype2::fv::rusanov::loopbodies::computeMaxEigenvalue ( const double *__restrict__ QIn,
const QInEnumeratorType & QInEnumerator,
const MaxEigenvalueFunctor & maxEigenvalueFunctor,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchCentre,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchSize,
int patchIndex,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > & volumeIndex,
double t,
double dt,
int normal,
double *__restrict__ maxEigenvalue,
const MaxEigenvalueEnumeratorType & maxEigenvalueEnumerator )

Compute maximum eigenvalue for one voxel in one direction.

The user's maxEigenvalue functor expects the input data of one voxel as one array. We cannot assume that the input data of the input is available as unknown consecutive entries in the memory. So we first have to gather the unknowns in one temporary vector, and then we pass this vector into the user functor. The result is written back to maxEigenvalue. Again, we don't know anything about its ordering, so we use the enumerator to access to output array.

The nice thing with the max (directional) eigenvalue is that the value is a scalar. So we have to gather the input into one Q vector (see specialisation below which eliminate this step) but then the outcome is a scalar which we can write straight back. So this routine should straightforwardly vectorise.

◆ computeNonconservativeFlux() [1/2]

template<class SolverType , class QInEnumeratorType , class NCPFaceEnumeratorType >
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions GPUCallableInlineMethod void exahype2::fv::rusanov::loopbodies::computeNonconservativeFlux ( const double *__restrict__ QIn,
const QInEnumeratorType & QInEnumerator,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchCentre,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchSize,
int patchIndex,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > & volumeIndex,
double t,
double dt,
int normal,
double *__restrict__ ncp,
const NCPFaceEnumeratorType & ncpEnumerator )

Specialisation invoking the static NCP variant via SolverType (for GPUs).

◆ computeNonconservativeFlux() [2/2]

template<int NumberOfUnknowns, int NumberOfAuxiliaryVariables, class QInEnumeratorType , class NCPFaceEnumeratorType >
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions void exahype2::fv::rusanov::loopbodies::computeNonconservativeFlux ( const double *__restrict__ QIn,
const QInEnumeratorType & QInEnumerator,
const NonconservativeProductFunctor & ncpFunctor,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchCentre,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchSize,
int patchIndex,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > & volumeIndex,
double t,
double dt,
int normal,
double *__restrict__ ncp,
const NCPFaceEnumeratorType & ncpEnumerator )

Compute non-conservative flux over one face along normal normal.

We count faces starting with zero, i.e., effectively shift the indices not by one to the right: Let the leftmost volume have the index i. i is typically 0 or -1 (if we have halos).

If we call this routine for the index i, we first take the volume i and then we average it with i+1. So we look to the right. The result is stored in i. That means, all the indices are kind of shifted by 1/2 to the left. Index (4,3,2) is actually the face located at (4.5, 3, 2).

See updateSolutionWithNonconservativeFlux() for some fancy ASCII art illustrating our enumeration rules. As this routine is used over faces, we work with slightly squeued indices. Let us work with a patch size of

  1. That means, we have (logically) an array of [-1,5]x[-1,5]x[-1,5] for the patch. The diagonal values such as (-1,-1,4) are not initialised properly. For the ncp along the x-direction, we have to befill an array of the dimensions [-1,4]x[0,4]x[0,4]. This is the range we have to invoke this routine for.

◆ copySolution()

template<class QInEnumeratorType , class QOutEnumeratorType >
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions GPUCallableInlineMethod void exahype2::fv::rusanov::loopbodies::copySolution ( const double *__restrict__ QIn,
const QInEnumeratorType & QInEnumerator,
int patchIndex,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > & volumeIndex,
int unknown,
double *__restrict__ QOut,
const QOutEnumeratorType & QOutEnumerator )

Copy solution from QIn to QOut.

Typically, both fields have different halo sizes, so we have to use two different enumerators. The loop body copies over exactly one scalar.

There is no specialisation for this one, as it is a plain copy anyway.


One might be tempted to think of this as a plain memcopy. However, it is more than that: The input data has a halo, while the output data (typically) has no halo. So they are not of the same size. We therefore can copy lines from the input in one rush, but we cannot copy all of it. In the outer loop calling this routine, we exploit the fact that we know that we have AoS for both usually, so as long as we loop over the unknowns and the x-direction internally and collapse those two loops, we can actually use SIMD.

It makes no sense to provide specialisation of this routine for different enumerators, as the routine works per volume per unknown anyway.

patchIndexWhich patch is to be updated. QIn can hold multiple patches, and this index picks one of them.
volumeIndexWhich volume is to be updated within the target patch. This index refers to the target index.

Definition at line 75 of file LoopBodies.h.

References exahype2::volumeIndex().

Referenced by exahype2::fv::rusanov::internal::timeStepWithRusanovBatchedFunctors(), exahype2::fv::rusanov::internal::timeStepWithRusanovBatchedStateless(), exahype2::fv::rusanov::omp::internal::timeStepWithRusanovBatchedStateless(), exahype2::fv::rusanov::internal::timeStepWithRusanovPatchwiseFunctors(), exahype2::fv::rusanov::internal::timeStepWithRusanovPatchwiseStateless(), and exahype2::fv::rusanov::omp::internal::timeStepWithRusanovPatchwiseStateless().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ copySolutionAndAddSourceTerm() [1/4]

template<class SolverType >
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions GPUCallableInlineMethod void exahype2::fv::rusanov::loopbodies::copySolutionAndAddSourceTerm ( const double *__restrict__ QIn,
const enumerator::AoSLexicographicEnumerator & QInEnumerator,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchCentre,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchSize,
int patchIndex,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > & volumeIndex,
double t,
double dt,
double *__restrict__ QOut,
const enumerator::AoSLexicographicEnumerator & QOutEnumerator )

Specialisation invoking the static source variant via SolverType (for GPUs).

◆ copySolutionAndAddSourceTerm() [2/4]

template<int NumberOfUnknowns, int NumberOfAuxiliaryVariables>
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions void exahype2::fv::rusanov::loopbodies::copySolutionAndAddSourceTerm ( const double *__restrict__ QIn,
const enumerator::AoSLexicographicEnumerator & QInEnumerator,
const SourceFunctor & sourceFunctor,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchCentre,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchSize,
int patchIndex,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > & volumeIndex,
double t,
double dt,
double *__restrict__ QOut,
const enumerator::AoSLexicographicEnumerator & QOutEnumerator )

Specialisation of the other exahype2::fv::rusanov::loopbodies::copySolutionAndAddSourceTerm() which exploits knowledge that we do not have to gather input data, as the input data is delivered as AoS already.

In line with the discussion in exahype2::fv::rusanov::loopbodies::copySolution, this operation can vectorise properly if and only if you make your x-loop the innermost one and if and only if your input is AoS - which is what this specialisation is about.

See also
exahype2::fv::rusanov::loopbodies::copySolution() for vectorisation details.

◆ copySolutionAndAddSourceTerm() [3/4]

template<class SolverType , class QInEnumeratorType , class QOutEnumeratorType >
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions GPUCallableInlineMethod void exahype2::fv::rusanov::loopbodies::copySolutionAndAddSourceTerm ( const double *__restrict__ QIn,
const QInEnumeratorType & QInEnumerator,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchCentre,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchSize,
int patchIndex,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > & volumeIndex,
double t,
double dt,
double *__restrict__ QOut,
const QOutEnumeratorType & QOutEnumerator )

Specialisation invoking the static source variant via SolverType (for GPUs).

◆ copySolutionAndAddSourceTerm() [4/4]

template<int NumberOfUnknowns, int NumberOfAuxiliaryVariables, class QInEnumeratorType , class QOutEnumeratorType >
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions void exahype2::fv::rusanov::loopbodies::copySolutionAndAddSourceTerm ( const double *__restrict__ QIn,
const QInEnumeratorType & QInEnumerator,
const SourceFunctor & sourceFunctor,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchCentre,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchSize,
int patchIndex,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > & volumeIndex,
double t,
double dt,
double *__restrict__ QOut,
const QOutEnumeratorType & QOutEnumerator )

Copy previous solution over into new time step and add source term.

This is the first step of the Rusanov scheme, where we basically copy \( Q^{(old)} \) into \( Q^{(new)} \). In the same sweep, we also add the source term subject to the time step size:

\( Q^{(new)} = Q^{(old)} + \Delta t \cdot S(Q^{(old)}) \)

We reiterate that Q holds two types of entries: The actual data subject to the PDE (and fluxes and source terms) and arbitrary auxiliary variables per volume that the user has specified. Auxiliary parameters are coupling terms, material parameters, helper variables that you use to compute some metrics, ... They are not evolved as part of the PDE. As the source term affects only the PDE variables, we copy these entries in Q over and add the source term contribution, while the material parameters remain plain copies.

No SIMD declaration here, as we can't SIMDise over functors anyway.

See also
exahype2::fv::rusanov::loopbodies::copySolution() for vectorisation details.

◆ reduceMaxEigenvalue() [1/4]

template<class SolverType >
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions GPUCallableInlineMethod double exahype2::fv::rusanov::loopbodies::reduceMaxEigenvalue ( const double *__restrict__ QOut,
const enumerator::AoSLexicographicEnumerator & QOutEnumerator,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchCentre,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchSize,
int patchIndex,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > & volumeIndex,
double t,
double dt )

Optimised version for the GPU which is furthermore optimised towards one specific unknown enumeration.

This is the enumeration we encounter in almost all of the cases, so it makes sense to specialise for this one.

◆ reduceMaxEigenvalue() [2/4]

template<int NumberOfUnknowns, int NumberOfAuxiliaryVariables>
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions double exahype2::fv::rusanov::loopbodies::reduceMaxEigenvalue ( const double *__restrict__ QOut,
const enumerator::AoSLexicographicEnumerator & QOutEnumerator,
const MaxEigenvalueFunctor & maxEigenvalueFunctor,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchCentre,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchSize,
int patchIndex,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > & volumeIndex,
double t,
double dt )

Specialisation anticipating that the ordering of the output data will be AoS in almost all the cases.

So it makes sense to exploit this knowledge performance-wisely.

◆ reduceMaxEigenvalue() [3/4]

template<class SolverType , class QOutEnumeratorType >
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions GPUCallableInlineMethod double exahype2::fv::rusanov::loopbodies::reduceMaxEigenvalue ( const double *__restrict__ QOut,
const QOutEnumeratorType & QOutEnumerator,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchCentre,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchSize,
int patchIndex,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > & volumeIndex,
double t,
double dt )

Specialised version for GPU.

See generic variant for documentation.

◆ reduceMaxEigenvalue() [4/4]

template<int NumberOfUnknowns, int NumberOfAuxiliaryVariables, class QOutEnumeratorType >
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions double exahype2::fv::rusanov::loopbodies::reduceMaxEigenvalue ( const double *__restrict__ QOut,
const QOutEnumeratorType & QOutEnumerator,
const MaxEigenvalueFunctor & maxEigenvalueFunctor,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchCentre,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchSize,
int patchIndex,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > & volumeIndex,
double t,
double dt )

This is the actual eigenvalue loop which reduces the directional eigenvalues.

QOutThe new (updated) solution over which we reduce the eigenvalues.
QOutEnumeratorIdentificator how the output array is enumerated. Will be AoS most of the time, as this is Peano's default data ordering.

◆ updateSolutionWithEigenvalueDamping() [1/2]

template<class QInEnumeratorType , class MaxEigenvalueEnumeratorType , class QOutEnumeratorType >
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions GPUCallableInlineMethod void exahype2::fv::rusanov::loopbodies::updateSolutionWithEigenvalueDamping ( const double *__restrict__ QIn,
const QInEnumeratorType & QInEnumerator,
const double *__restrict__ tempMaxEigenvalueX,
const double *__restrict__ tempMaxEigenvalueY,
const double *__restrict__ tempMaxEigenvalueZ,
const MaxEigenvalueEnumeratorType & eigenvalueEnumerator,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchCentre,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchSize,
int patchIndex,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > & volumeIndex,
int unknown,
double dt,
double *__restrict__ QOut,
const QOutEnumeratorType & QOutEnumerator )

Uses the eigenvalues to damp the solution update.

Rationale for alternative realisations

I originally thought the following:

We could damp along the individual coordinate axis (normal). That is, if normal equals zero, we take the left and right neighbour of a cell into account, if it equals one, we look at the lower and upper face-connected neighbour.

To allow the compiler to vectorise over this routine, it is essential that you make the loop over normal the outer loop, and then you can collapse and vectorise over the patch. Yet, even if you do so, there is no guarantee that the compiler will manage to vectorise. It really depends upon the QOutEnumerator, i.e., the ordering of the image. If the image is stored as AoS (default ordering for output data), then the loops over this routine cannot vectorise properly. To make a long story short: This routine will vectorise if and only if you explicitly re-sort input and output values of a patch prior to the update such that they are in SoA format. Obviously, it is up to you to decide if the overhead for this re-sorting is worth it.

Anyway, such a damping is a fundamental rewrite, as we then have to pick either tempMaxEigenvalueX, Y or Z, so we might end up with three routines.

Along the same lines, all of these arguments motivate why we do not specialise the template further. We need to do this scattering/gathering anyway, so what's the point of specialising for particular data formats?

Referenced by exahype2::fv::rusanov::internal::timeStepWithRusanovBatchedFunctors(), exahype2::fv::rusanov::internal::timeStepWithRusanovBatchedStateless(), exahype2::fv::rusanov::omp::internal::timeStepWithRusanovBatchedStateless(), exahype2::fv::rusanov::internal::timeStepWithRusanovPatchwiseFunctors(), exahype2::fv::rusanov::internal::timeStepWithRusanovPatchwiseStateless(), and exahype2::fv::rusanov::omp::internal::timeStepWithRusanovPatchwiseStateless().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ updateSolutionWithEigenvalueDamping() [2/2]

template<class QInEnumeratorType , class QOutEnumeratorType >
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions GPUCallableInlineMethod void exahype2::fv::rusanov::loopbodies::updateSolutionWithEigenvalueDamping ( const double *__restrict__ QIn,
const QInEnumeratorType & QInEnumerator,
double maxEigenvalueL,
double maxEigenvalueR,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchCentre,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchSize,
int patchIndex,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > & volumeIndex,
int unknown,
double dt,
int normal,
double *__restrict__ QOut,
const QOutEnumeratorType & QOutEnumerator )

Face-wise version of routine, i.e., it takes the eigenvalues and updates the left and right adjacent volume of it.

◆ updateSolutionWithFlux() [1/2]

template<class FluxEnumeratorType , class QOutEnumeratorType >
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions GPUCallableInlineMethod void exahype2::fv::rusanov::loopbodies::updateSolutionWithFlux ( const double *__restrict__ fluxL,
const double *__restrict__ fluxR,
const FluxEnumeratorType & fluxEnumerator,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchCentre,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchSize,
int patchIndex,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > & volumeIndex,
int unknown,
double dt,
int normal,
double *__restrict__ QOut,
const QOutEnumeratorType & QOutEnumerator )

Constructs the average of the flux and adds it to the left and right neighbour cell with inverted sign.

This is the counterpart of the other exahype2::fv::rusanov::loopbodies::updateSolutionWithFlux() routine which works cell-wisely.

We always enumerate right looking, i.e., the right face of cell i is face i. The leftmost cell consequently has no left face (it is cell no 0 and 0 is its right face). For N cells in a row, there's a face N-1 but no face N anymore.

◆ updateSolutionWithFlux() [2/2]

template<class FluxEnumeratorType , class QOutEnumeratorType >
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions GPUCallableInlineMethod void exahype2::fv::rusanov::loopbodies::updateSolutionWithFlux ( const double *__restrict__ tempFluxX,
const double *__restrict__ tempFluxY,
const double *__restrict__ tempFluxZ,
const FluxEnumeratorType & fluxEnumerator,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchCentre,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchSize,
int patchIndex,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > & volumeIndex,
int unknown,
double dt,
double *__restrict__ QOut,
const QOutEnumeratorType & QOutEnumerator )

◆ updateSolutionWithNonconservativeFlux() [1/2]

template<class NCPFaceEnumeratorType , class QOutEnumeratorType >
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions GPUCallableInlineMethod void exahype2::fv::rusanov::loopbodies::updateSolutionWithNonconservativeFlux ( const double *__restrict__ ncp,
const NCPFaceEnumeratorType & ncpEnumerator,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchCentre,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchSize,
int patchIndex,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > & faceIndex,
int unknown,
double dt,
int normal,
double *__restrict__ QOut,
const QOutEnumeratorType & QOutEnumerator )

Face-oriented flavour of NCP.

Update a volume due to the NCP, but only the flux along one direction, i.e. along normal. This is a specialisation of the other updateSolutionWithNonconservativeFlux() routine. Please consult this one for more in-depth explanations.

◆ updateSolutionWithNonconservativeFlux() [2/2]

template<class NCPFaceEnumeratorType , class QOutEnumeratorType >
KeywordToAvoidDuplicateSymbolsForInlinedFunctions GPUCallableInlineMethod void exahype2::fv::rusanov::loopbodies::updateSolutionWithNonconservativeFlux ( const double *__restrict__ ncpX,
const double *__restrict__ ncpY,
const double *__restrict__ ncpZ,
const NCPFaceEnumeratorType & ncpEnumerator,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchCentre,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > & patchSize,
int patchIndex,
const ::tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, int > & volumeIndex,
int unknown,
double dt,
double *__restrict__ QOut,
const QOutEnumeratorType & QOutEnumerator )

Add the non-conservative flux contributions to one volume.

The NCP is defined over faces, i.e., we know that ncpX, ncpY, ncpZ hold one (vector) entry per face and ncpEnumerator is aware that we work with faces. So we compute the left and the right face and we get the corresponding non-conservative flux from there. This flux is now scaled with the time step size, as we do an explicit Euler step, i.e., the right-hand side of the PDE

\( \partial _t Q = ncp(Q) \)

is discretised as \( \partial _t Q \approx \frac{Q^{(new)}-Q^{(old)}}{dt}\) which gives us a scaling of dt for the update. We also have a volume integral on the left-hand side and a face integral on the right-hand side, and therefore a further scaling by one over the volume size.


We enumerate all data lexicographically, although the ncpEnumerator might remap and permute this ordering. The routine updates a given volume identified by volumeIndex with the fluxes over all d dimensions. So we need the flux over the left face, right face, bottom face, top face, ...

The flux over the left face is stored in the x-flux array with exactly the same x index as the volume. For the right face, we have to increase this index by one along the coordinate axis. This enumeration is encoded within computeNonconservativeFlux(), too.

Here's some ASCII art illustrating the enumeration. If we update volume (2,1) along the x-axis

| 0,3 | 1,3 | 2,3 | 3,3 |
| 0,2 | 1,2 | 2,2 | 3,2 |
| 0,1 | 1,1 | 2,1 | 3,1 |
| 0,0 | 1,0 | 2,0 | 3,0 |

then the ncp values that matter are stored as follows:

| -1,3 | 0,3 | 1,3 | 2,3 | 3,3 |
| -1,2 | 0,2 | 1,2 | 2,2 | 3,2 |
| -1,1 | 0,1 | 1,1 | 2,1 | 3,1 |
| -1,0 | 0,0 | 1,0 | 2,0 | 3,0 |

where (0,1) for example holds the flux over the right face of volume (0,1) in the upper block. So index (0,1) in ncpX holds the ncp between volume (0,1) and (1,1).

Referenced by exahype2::fv::rusanov::internal::timeStepWithRusanovBatchedFunctors(), exahype2::fv::rusanov::internal::timeStepWithRusanovBatchedStateless(), exahype2::fv::rusanov::omp::internal::timeStepWithRusanovBatchedStateless(), exahype2::fv::rusanov::internal::timeStepWithRusanovPatchwiseFunctors(), exahype2::fv::rusanov::internal::timeStepWithRusanovPatchwiseStateless(), and exahype2::fv::rusanov::omp::internal::timeStepWithRusanovPatchwiseStateless().

Here is the caller graph for this function: