template<int Size, typename Scalar > |
Vector< Size, Scalar > & | tarch::la::operator+= (Vector< Size, Scalar > &lhs, const Vector< Size, Scalar > &rhs) |
| Adds rVector to lVector and assigns the result to lVector.
template<int Size, typename Scalar > |
Vector< Size, Scalar > & | tarch::la::operator-= (Vector< Size, Scalar > &lhs, const Vector< Size, Scalar > &rhs) |
| Subtracts rVector from lVector and assigns the result to lVector.
template<int Size, typename Scalar > |
Vector< Size, Scalar > | tarch::la::operator+ (const Vector< Size, Scalar > &lhs, const Vector< Size, Scalar > &rhs) |
| Adds rVector to lVector.
template<int Size, typename Scalar > |
Vector< Size, Scalar > | tarch::la::operator- (const Vector< Size, Scalar > &lhs, const Vector< Size, Scalar > &rhs) |
| Subtracts rVector from lVector.
template<int Size, typename Scalar > |
Vector< Size, Scalar > | tarch::la::multiplyComponents (const Vector< Size, Scalar > &lhs, const Vector< Size, Scalar > &rhs) |
| Multiplies every component of the vectors with each other and writes the results into result.
template<int Size, typename Scalar > |
Scalar | tarch::la::operator* (const Vector< Size, Scalar > &lhs, const Vector< Size, Scalar > &rhs) |
| Performs the dot (=inner) product of two vectors.
template<int Size, typename Scalar > |
Scalar | tarch::la::dot (const Vector< Size, Scalar > &lhs, const Vector< Size, Scalar > &rhs) |
| Performs the dot (=inner) product of two vectors.
template<int Size, typename Scalar > |
Scalar | tarch::la::innerDot (const Vector< Size, Scalar > &lhs, const Vector< Size, Scalar > &rhs) |
| Performs the dot (=inner) product of two vectors.
template<typename Scalar > |
Vector< 3, Scalar > | tarch::la::cross (const Vector< 3, Scalar > &lhs, const Vector< 3, Scalar > &rhs) |
| Performs the cross product of two 3D vectors into result.
template<int Size, typename Scalar > |
bool | tarch::la::equals (const Vector< Size, Scalar > &lhs, const Vector< Size, Scalar > &rhs, const Scalar tolerance=NUMERICAL_ZERO_DIFFERENCE) |
| Compares to vectors on equality by means of a numerical accuracy.
template<int Size, typename Scalar > |
bool | tarch::la::firstGreater (const Vector< Size, Scalar > &lhs, const Vector< Size, Scalar > &rhs, const Scalar tolerance=NUMERICAL_ZERO_DIFFERENCE) |
| Compares sequentially every component pair of lVector and rVector, and stops as soon as one is greater than the other.
template<int Size, typename Scalar > |
bool | tarch::la::oneGreater (const Vector< Size, Scalar > &lhs, const Vector< Size, Scalar > &rhs, const Scalar tolerance=NUMERICAL_ZERO_DIFFERENCE) |
| Returns true, if one component of lVector is greater than the corresponding component in rVector up to numerical accuracy.
template<int Size, typename Scalar > |
bool | tarch::la::oneGreaterEquals (const Vector< Size, Scalar > &lhs, const Vector< Size, Scalar > &rhs, const Scalar tolerance=NUMERICAL_ZERO_DIFFERENCE) |
| Returns true, if one component of lVector is greater or equals than the corresponding component in rVector up to numerical accuracy.
template<int Size, typename Scalar > |
bool | tarch::la::allGreater (const Vector< Size, Scalar > &lhs, const Vector< Size, Scalar > &rhs, const Scalar tolerance=NUMERICAL_ZERO_DIFFERENCE) |
| Returns true, if all components of lVector are greater than the corresponding components in rVector up to numerical accuracy.
template<int Size, typename Scalar > |
bool | tarch::la::allGreaterEquals (const Vector< Size, Scalar > &lhs, const Vector< Size, Scalar > &rhs, const Scalar tolerance=NUMERICAL_ZERO_DIFFERENCE) |
| Returns true, if all components of lVector are greater or equals than the corresponding components in rVector up to numerical accuracy.
template<int Size, typename Scalar > |
bool | tarch::la::allSmaller (const Vector< Size, Scalar > &lhs, const Vector< Size, Scalar > &rhs, const Scalar tolerance=NUMERICAL_ZERO_DIFFERENCE) |
template<int Size, typename Scalar > |
bool | tarch::la::allSmallerEquals (const Vector< Size, Scalar > &lhs, const Vector< Size, Scalar > &rhs, const Scalar tolerance=NUMERICAL_ZERO_DIFFERENCE) |
template<int Size, typename Scalar > |
bool | tarch::la::oneSmaller (const Vector< Size, Scalar > &lhs, const Vector< Size, Scalar > &rhs, const Scalar tolerance=NUMERICAL_ZERO_DIFFERENCE) |
template<int Size, typename Scalar > |
bool | tarch::la::oneSmallerEquals (const Vector< Size, Scalar > &lhs, const Vector< Size, Scalar > &rhs, const Scalar tolerance=NUMERICAL_ZERO_DIFFERENCE) |
template<int Size, typename Scalar > |
Vector< Size, Scalar > | tarch::la::max (const Vector< Size, Scalar > &lhs, const Vector< Size, Scalar > &rhs) |
| Component-wise max evaluation.
template<int Size, typename Scalar > |
Vector< Size, Scalar > | tarch::la::min (const Vector< Size, Scalar > &lhs, const Vector< Size, Scalar > &rhs) |
| Component-wise min evaluation.
template<int Size, typename Scalar > |
bool | tarch::la::operator== (const Vector< Size, Scalar > &lhs, const Vector< Size, Scalar > &rhs) |
| Bit-wise comparison of the components of two vectors for equality.
template<int Size, typename Scalar > |
bool | tarch::la::operator!= (const Vector< Size, Scalar > &lhs, const Vector< Size, Scalar > &rhs) |
| Bit-wise comparison of the components of two vectors for inequality.
template<int Size, typename Scalar > |
int | tarch::la::equalsReturnIndex (const Vector< Size, Scalar > &lhs, const Vector< Size, Scalar > &rhs, const Scalar tolerance=NUMERICAL_ZERO_DIFFERENCE) |
| Return Index of element which is not equals.
template<int Size> |
int | tarch::la::equalsReturnIndex (const Vector< Size, int > &lhs, const Vector< Size, int > &rhs) |
template<int Size> |
int | tarch::la::countEqualEntries (const Vector< Size, int > &lhs, const Vector< Size, int > &rhs) |
| Run through both vectors and count how many entries are the same.
template<int Size, typename Scalar > |
int | tarch::la::countEqualEntries (const Vector< Size, Scalar > &lhs, const Vector< Size, Scalar > &rhs, const Scalar tolerance=NUMERICAL_ZERO_DIFFERENCE) |