![]() |
STL namespace. More...
Namespaces | |
namespace | ranges |
Data Structures | |
class | allocator |
STL class. | |
class | array |
STL class. | |
class | atomic |
STL class. | |
class | atomic_ref |
STL class. | |
class | auto_ptr |
STL class. | |
class | bad_alloc |
STL class. | |
class | bad_cast |
STL class. | |
class | bad_exception |
STL class. | |
class | bad_typeid |
STL class. | |
class | basic_fstream |
STL class. | |
class | basic_ifstream |
STL class. | |
class | basic_ios |
STL class. | |
class | basic_iostream |
STL class. | |
class | basic_istream |
STL class. | |
class | basic_istringstream |
STL class. | |
class | basic_ofstream |
STL class. | |
class | basic_ostream |
STL class. | |
class | basic_ostringstream |
STL class. | |
class | basic_string |
STL class. | |
class | basic_string_view |
STL class. | |
class | basic_stringstream |
STL class. | |
class | bitset |
STL class. | |
class | complex |
STL class. | |
class | deque |
STL class. | |
class | domain_error |
STL class. | |
class | error_category |
STL class. | |
class | error_code |
STL class. | |
class | error_condition |
STL class. | |
class | exception |
STL class. | |
class | forward_list |
STL class. | |
class | fstream |
STL class. | |
class | ifstream |
STL class. | |
class | invalid_argument |
STL class. | |
class | ios |
STL class. | |
class | ios_base |
STL class. | |
class | istream |
STL class. | |
class | istringstream |
STL class. | |
struct | iterator_traits< tl::basic_iterator< C > > |
class | jthread |
STL class. | |
class | length_error |
STL class. | |
class | list |
STL class. | |
class | lock_guard |
STL class. | |
class | logic_error |
STL class. | |
class | map |
STL class. | |
class | multimap |
STL class. | |
class | multiset |
STL class. | |
class | mutex |
STL class. | |
class | ofstream |
STL class. | |
class | ostream |
STL class. | |
class | ostringstream |
STL class. | |
class | out_of_range |
STL class. | |
class | overflow_error |
STL class. | |
class | pair |
STL class. | |
class | priority_queue |
STL class. | |
class | queue |
STL class. | |
class | range_error |
STL class. | |
class | recursive_mutex |
STL class. | |
class | recursive_timed_mutex |
STL class. | |
class | runtime_error |
STL class. | |
class | set |
STL class. | |
class | shared_lock |
STL class. | |
class | shared_mutex |
STL class. | |
class | shared_ptr |
STL class. | |
class | shared_timed_mutex |
STL class. | |
class | smart_ptr |
STL class. | |
class | span |
STL class. | |
class | stack |
STL class. | |
class | string |
STL class. | |
class | string_view |
STL class. | |
class | stringstream |
STL class. | |
class | system_error |
STL class. | |
class | thread |
STL class. | |
class | timed_mutex |
STL class. | |
class | u16string |
STL class. | |
class | u16string_view |
STL class. | |
class | u32string |
STL class. | |
class | u32string_view |
STL class. | |
class | u8string |
STL class. | |
class | u8string_view |
STL class. | |
class | underflow_error |
STL class. | |
class | unique_lock |
STL class. | |
class | unique_ptr |
STL class. | |
class | unordered_map |
STL class. | |
class | unordered_multimap |
STL class. | |
class | unordered_multiset |
STL class. | |
class | unordered_set |
STL class. | |
class | valarray |
STL class. | |
class | vector |
STL class. | |
class | weak_ptr |
STL class. | |
class | wfstream |
STL class. | |
class | wifstream |
STL class. | |
class | wios |
STL class. | |
class | wistream |
STL class. | |
class | wistringstream |
STL class. | |
class | wofstream |
STL class. | |
class | wostream |
STL class. | |
class | wostringstream |
STL class. | |
class | wstring |
STL class. | |
class | wstring_view |
STL class. | |
class | wstringstream |
STL class. | |
Functions | |
template<typename CF > | |
CF | abs (const CF &cf) |
STL namespace.
CF std::abs | ( | const CF & | cf | ) |
Definition at line 15 of file CompressedFloat.h.
Referenced by __attribute__(), NumVec< T, LENGTH >::abs(), tarch::la::abs(), examples::exahype2::gprdr::GPRDR::adjustSolution(), Numerics::computeAbsA(), toolbox::blockstructured::computeGradientAndReturnMaxDifference(), Numerics::computeSmax(), tarch::la::convertAbsoluteIntoRelativeValue(), toolbox::blockstructured::copyUnknownAndComputeMaxDifference(), toolbox::multiprecision::decomposeIntoFourVariants(), exahype2::dg::tests::elasticEigenvalue(), tarch::la::elementMax(), examples::regulargridupscaling::MyObserver::enterCell(), tarch::la::equals(), tarch::la::equals(), tarch::la::equalsReturnIndex(), tarch::la::equalsReturnIndex(), exahype2::dg::tests::eulerEigenvalue(), applications::exahype2::euler::sphericalaccretion::MassAccumulator::finishAccumulation(), applications::exahype2::swe::fwave(), toolbox::particles::TrajectoryDatabase::getAction(), toolbox::blockstructured::GlobalDatabase::getAction(), DiffuseInterface< Shortcuts, basisSize >::getAlpha(), DiffuseInterface< Shortcuts, basisSize >::getMinDistance(), toolbox::particles::getParticleReassociationInstructionWithinCellWithIntraCellReassignment(), tarch::timing::Measurement::getStandardDeviation(), swift2::kernels::legacy::hydro_update_smoothing_length_and_rerun_if_required(), toolbox::blockstructured::interpolateCellDataAssociatedToVolumesIntoOverlappingCell_linear(), tarch::timing::GlidingAverageMeasurement::isAccurateValue(), peano4::datamanagement::VertexMarker::isContainedInAdjacentCells(), tarch::la::lu(), main(), tarch::la::maxAbs(), applications::exahype2::ccz4::CCZ4::maxEigenvalue(), applications::exahype2::ccz4::FiniteVolumeCCZ4::maxEigenvalue(), benchmarks::exahype2::ccz4::CCZ4::maxEigenvalue(), applications::exahype2::CompressibleNavierStokes::NavierStokesSolver::maxEigenvalue(), applications::exahype2::euler::sphericalaccretion::SSInfall::maxEigenvalue(), examples::exahype2::mgccz4::FiniteVolumeMGCCZ4::maxEigenvalue(), examples::exahype2::ccz4::ADERDGCCZ4::maxEigenvalue(), examples::exahype2::mgccz4::ADERDGMGCCZ4::maxEigenvalue(), applications::exahype2::ccz4::maxEigenvalue(), tarch::la::normMax(), tarch::la::normMax(), tarch::plotter::griddata::blockstructured::PeanoTextPatchFileWriter::CellDataWriter::plotCell(), tarch::plotter::griddata::blockstructured::PeanoTextPatchFileWriter::CellDataWriter::plotCell(), tarch::plotter::griddata::blockstructured::PeanoTextPatchFileWriter::VertexDataWriter::plotVertex(), tarch::plotter::griddata::blockstructured::PeanoTextPatchFileWriter::VertexDataWriter::plotVertex(), tarch::plotter::griddata::blockstructured::PeanoTextPatchFileWriter::VertexDataWriter::plotVertex(), exahype2::fv::internal::projectValueOntoParticle_piecewiseLinear(), applications::exahype2::euler::sphericalaccretion::SSInfall::refinementCriterion(), tarch::la::relativeEps(), tarch::la::relativeEpsNormaledAgainstValueGreaterOne(), applications::exahype2::swe::rusanov(), tarch::timing::Measurement::setValue(), toolbox::multiprecision::tests::CompressedFloatingPointNumbersTest::testBatchDecomposition(), toolbox::multiprecision::tests::CompressedFloatingPointNumbersTest::testBatchDecompositionWithArrayOfFour(), toolbox::multiprecision::tests::CompressedFloatingPointNumbersTest::testDecompose(), toolbox::multiprecision::tests::CompressedFloatingPointNumbersTest::testDecomposeWithChar(), toolbox::multiprecision::tests::CompressedFloatingPointNumbersTest::testDecomposeWithInt(), toolbox::multiprecision::tests::CompressedFloatingPointNumbersTest::testErrorComputation(), mghype::matrixfree::solvers::Solver::updateGlobalResidual(), mghype::matrixfree::solvers::Solver::updateGlobalSolutionUpdates(), and validateOutcome().