No Matches
Boundary conditions and solver coupling

Boundary conditions are notoriously challenging within SPH. So is solver coupling. In Swift, we recommend to realise volumetric boundary conditions, which means that we do not alter individual particles, but can modify whole particle sets close to the boundary. Periodic boundary conditions are an exception: They are natively supported through Peano.

Periodic boundary conditions

Periodic boundary conditions are enabled globally for a Swift project. Other conditions can be imposed particle species by species, but periodic BCs are global:

periodic_BC=[True,True,False], # <--- this is the relevant line

It is possible to switch them on/off per coordinate axis. Once enabled, the underlying Peano framework realises them through a plain domain decomposition. That is, any particle close to the right border appears in turn as halo particle on the left and vice versa.

Other boundary conditions

We distinguish two different variants how to implement boundary conditions. One is inspired by our capability to couple SPH to other solvers and the other one plugs into the drift mechanism. Both have pros and cons.

Plug into each and every grid sweep

The Swift project allows us to add our own set of actions to each and every mesh sweep. That is, Swift's graph compiler will lower the abstract SPH steps into a series of mesh sweeps per time step, and we can then afterwards add further actions to these mesh sweeps. This is done by appending action sets to the project:

Boundary Conditions.
This file is part of the SWIFT 2 project.
This file is part of the SWIFT 2 project.

There are various pre-defined action sets to realise various SPH boundary conditions:

The advantage with this approach is that it provides a totally generic approach to add boundary conditions. The disadvantage here is that this action set is merged into each and every mesh sweep. However, we should not really alter the particle position "arbitrarily" (which is what a lot of boundary condition action sets do), as we then have to resort the particles. Also, it is economically not very clever to check the boundary conditions in each and every traversal. It makes sense to do these checks only after drifts.

Plug into the particle drifts

In line with the observations above, it is often more elegant to plug into the particle drift as a postprocessing step. There is no generic solution to this approach however. It depends on the type of particle you use, and each particle species variant might require you to add such a a posterior check in a different way.

In the leapfrog SPH solver, for example, attaching a boundary check can be realised as follows:

particle.algorithm_steps_dict["Drift"].touch_vertex_last_time_kernel += """
[&](const peano4::datamanagement::VertexMarker& marker, Particle& assignedParticle)->void {

which is the preamble to a reconfiguration of the individual initialisation and solver steps. As written above, the documentation of each and every solver has to contain information how to inject such information.

As a boundary update might be expensive, it is reasonable to embed it into some additional checks:

if (::swift2::boundaryconditions::isVertexOnGlobalBoundary(marker,DomainOffset,DomainSize)) {
// your update; maybe like in the snippet above
bool isVertexOnGlobalBoundary(const peano4::datamanagement::VertexMarker &marker, const tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &domainOffset, const tarch::la::Vector< Dimensions, double > &domainSize)
Definition Utils.cpp:3

Solver coupling

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