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namespace  tarch
 Have to include this header, as I need access to the SYCL_EXTERNAL keyword.
namespace  tarch::la
 My collection of tiny vector operations.


template<int SizeLhs, int SizeRhs, typename Scalar >
Vector< SizeLhs, Scalar > tarch::la::slice (const Vector< SizeRhs, Scalar > &vector, int fromIndex, int stride=1)
 Returns subpart of the vector.
template<int SizeLhs, int SizeRhs, typename Scalar >
void tarch::la::slice (Vector< SizeLhs, Scalar > &toVector, const Vector< SizeRhs, Scalar > &fromVector, int fromIndexInToVector, int strideInToVector=1)
template<int SizeLhs, int SizeRhs, typename Scalar >
Vector< SizeLhs, Scalar > tarch::la::expandOrSlice (const Vector< SizeRhs, Scalar > &vector)
 Take a scalar or vector and map it onto a vector.
template<int SizeLhs, typename Scalar >
Vector< SizeLhs, Scalar > tarch::la::expandOrSlice (const Scalar &scalar)
 Delegates to slice().