No Matches
Extend the visualisation (and checkpointing)

Table of Contents

Sometimes, you want to augment whatever ExaHyPE dumps. By default, we get the current volumetric solution and all tracers. However, we have seen situations where people wanted to write the face data for example or some postprocessed data as well.

Each plotting step is a mere run through the mesh with a dedicated observer. By default, this observer calls the plotting action sets for each solver, and it invokes a tracer dump per tracer species. To add a further plotter, use the solvers' add_actions_to_plot_solution() routine.

Plot the facet data

Peano's patch toolbox offers an action set for patches over faces called peano4.toolbox.blockstructured.PlotPatchesOverFacesInPeanoBlockFormat.

More docu here please.