In line with the work by Schaller et al, Swift 2 uses a combination of domain decomposition and task-based parallelism. As we base our update upon Peano, we augment it with additional levels of parallelism.
Difference to the original Swift code
- The domain decomposition between ranks is based upon a space-filling curve. The original code uses a regular coarse grid and partitions this coarse grid into chunks via a graph partitioning (Metis). In Peano, we work with a spactree and this tree is cut into chunks. Notably, we do not impose a regular grid on top.
- The domain decomposition can be applied once more per rank: each rank can split up its domain further into chunks along the space-filling curves. These chunks then go to separate threads (as part of a high-level task decomposition).
- Within each chunk (per thread), we then apply task-based parallelism.
- The structure of the task graph is determined via a graph compiler (see remarks on the code architecture) and not baked into the mesh traversal core.
- We provide tasking backends for OpenMP, SYCL, TBB and C++. However, there is at the moment no custom QuickSched backend anymore.
Non-overlapping domain decomposition
Non-overlapping domain decomposition is used between the ranks. Per rank, we then support multiple subdomains as well.
The subdomains per rank
If you have multiple subdomains per rank, we mirror the implementation of the MPI code: Each thread which is responsible for a subdomain holds its subtree and its particles. These are local copies to the subdomain, i.e. halo particles are replicated. After a thread has finished the traversal of its local subdomain, these replica are exchanged - just like they are in MPI. For this, the code has to manually copy the particles at the subdomain interfaces.
The traversal of multiple subdomains per rank is realised via tasks. That is, each rank triggers a small number of high-level tasks which respresent the traversal of local subdomains. These tasks in return then issue more tasks in the traditional Swift-sense, i.e. tasks that are responsible for the actual Physics. If you switch off the domain decomposition per rank, you end up with a sole task-based formalism (no domain decomposition) per rank. If you pick a graph compiler which does not map the logical steps per particle onto various tasks and if you switch on the per-rank domain decomposition in return, then you end up with a classic, old-fashioned domain decomposition.
To distinguish particles that are local to a domain and mere copies (halos) from neighbours, each particle carries a state flag. The action set peano4.toolbox.particles.api.UpdateParallelState is responsible to keep this flag up-to-date, though some updates also are performed when we merge two particles among the domain boundary. Consult the action set's documentation for more information.
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- Todo
- Scatter fehlt
- Todo
- A lot to write here
Obviously, most all of Peano's (generic) frequently asked questions and developer troubleshooting remarks hold for Swift 2, too.
- The load balancing is active if and only if you pick a load balancer within your Python script. So if you remove the load balancing call or if you pick toolbox::loadbalancing::NoLoadBalancing as your load balancing strategy, then you effectively switch off the domain decomposition (for both MPI and per core). If you do so, you do not disable the task-based parallelism however. The task-based parallelism is eliminated if and only if you configure the underlying Peano without any shared memory parallelism.
- If your load balancing behaves strangly, you should activate all log messages from toolbox::loadbalancing in your log filter. This should provide you with information what is going on (filter for the load balancing information in your output). Often, developers use for example a SpreadOut configuration, but the actual mesh then is so small that the load balancing never manages to spread out, i.e. the machine is overprovisioned. In this case, for example, a switch to SpreadOutOnceGridStagnates as strategy helps. Load balancing is tricky and might have to be revisited per experimental setup or code development cycle.