No Matches
Continuous Galerkin for the Poisson equation with PETSc

This simple example discusses the steps from the file benchmarks/multigrid/petsc/poisson/ We omit some technical details (such as the parsing of the command line) and focus on key ingredients. Therefore, it is reasonable to study this description in combination with the actual script.

Code usage

Create a project

First, we have to create a multigrid project.

project = petsc.Project(project_name = "Poisson",
namespace = [ "multigrid", "petsc", "poisson" ]

This is kind of an empty hull until we befill it with some global information (such as the domain size) and also tell the API to scan the global Makefile.

cube_size = 1.0
dimensions = 2,
offset = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
domain_size = [ cube_size, cube_size, cube_size],
project.set_load_balancing( "toolbox::loadbalancing::strategies::RecursiveSubdivision", "new ::exahype2::LoadBalancingConfiguration()" )
project.set_Peano4_installation( args.peanodir,
build_mode = peano4.output.CompileMode.Asserts

The routine petsc.Project.set_Peano4_installation() will parse all the settings that you used for configure (autotools) or cmake. From hereon, these settings will be used by the Python API as well.

Add the solver

We use one of the simplest solvers that we have for the examples here:

solver = petsc.solvers.CollocatedLowOrderDiscretisation("Poisson",
1, # a scalar
project.add_solver( solver )
const float const float const float struct part *restrict struct part *restrict const float a
Definition hydro_iact.h:55

The solver knows, by definition, which data objects it has to build up internally and to which grid entities these data objects are associated to. As we use a collocated solver here, the scalar is attached to the mesh vertices. The call of petsc.Project.add_solver() will ensure that this solver's data structures are tied to the mesh and that the solver enriches all the algorithmic steps with the required operations.

Generate a Peano project and the C++ code

We close the solver construction by asking the multigrid API to create a Peano 4 Python project for us, and subsequently ask this Peano 4 project to generate all C++ code and the Makefile:

peano4_project = project.generate_Peano4_project(args.verbose)

After this last step, we can either invoke on the peano4_project object, or we can simply type in make on the command line. Before we do this, we have to add the actual numerics:

Add numerics

Now it is time to build your code. The Python API will never overwrite your user code, i.e. alter the Poisson.h and Poisson.cpp file. So you are save when you rerun the Python script once more and make it call

As it is some overhead to regenerate all of that glue code, just type in make on the terminal, and everything should be fine. Our implementation of the Poisson setup is really simplistic. As we want to solve

Sean can you write down stuff here?


Once you have built your code and invoked it, you should see an output similar to

00:00:11 rank:0 ::::main() info terminated successfully
00:00:11 rank:0 ::::main() info grid construction: 5.43634s (avg=0.339771,#measurements=16,max=0.745847(value #10),min=0.000293452(value #1),+119.514%,-99.9136%,std-deviation=0.316354)
00:00:11 rank:0 ::::main() info enumerate: 0.589898s (avg=0.589898,#measurements=1,max=0.589898(value #0),min=0.589898(value #0),+0%,-0%,std-deviation=3.4285e-09)
00:00:11 rank:0 ::::main() info init (setup PETSc): 4.52e-07s (avg=4.52e-07,#measurements=1,max=4.52e-07(value #0),min=4.52e-07(value #0),+0%,-0%,std-deviation=3.45865e-15)
00:00:11 rank:0 ::::main() info assemble: 0.591637s (avg=0.591637,#measurements=1,max=0.591637(value #0),min=0.591637(value #0),+0%,-0%,std-deviation=1.74537e-09)
00:00:11 rank:0 ::::main() info solve: 4.3e-07s (avg=4.3e-07,#measurements=1,max=4.3e-07(value #0),min=4.3e-07(value #0),+0%,-0%,std-deviation=3.29368e-15)
00:00:11 rank:0 ::::main() info map solution back onto mesh: 0.575858s (avg=0.575858,#measurements=1,max=0.575858(value #0),min=0.575858(value #0),+0%,-0%,std-deviation=3.90214e-09)
00:00:11 rank:0 ::::main() info plotting: 1.03918s (avg=1.03918,#measurements=1,max=1.03918(value #0),min=1.03918(value #0),+0%,-0%,std-deviation=7.62111e-09)
applications::exahype2::swe::VariableShortcuts s
Definition SWE.cpp:9
int main()
Definition main.cpp:321

Furthermore, there should be patch files in our execution directory. One of them is called solution-Poisson.peano-patch-file and it is a meta file, i.e. it links to all the other files written by different ranks and threads on your parallel computer. You can inspect patch files in a text editor, and their format is described in the patch file format section.

To visualise the outcome, you can go down different paths. I have pvpython installed, i.e. Paraview with the Python terminal. In this case, we can type in

/opt/paraview/bin/pvpython ~/git/Peano/python/peano4/visualisation/ --filter-fine-grid solution-Poisson.peano-patch-file

which converts the patch files into a pvd file which we can open in Paraview.

What happens under the hood

The multigrid project will yield a Peano project which in turn will create

  • all the C++ code;
  • a main file;
  • a Makefile

The main file realises one by one the different steps of a PETSc-based multigrid solver and therefore follows exactly the vanilla Peano main file structure. It runs through the algorithmic steps
Per algorithmic step that we find in any PETSc project one by one. Per step, it issues one mesh traversal (besides for the actual solve, which is a single PETSc call). Per traversal, it hands in an observer.

The observers are created by the multigrid project petsc.Project. This class speaks of steps which is really what they are. The observer is the realisation of these steps. The steps that petsc.Project creates are more or less empty. When we invoke petsc.Project.add_solver(), the project takes the solver as passed as an argument and asks the solver to add action sets, i.e. activities, to each step. Each activity is a subclass of peano4.solversteps.ActionSet.

See also
peano4.petsc.actionsets.InitVertexDoFs for the actual initialisation phase.


We compile with flag -lpetsc to ensure that the PETSc-specific libraries are available to us. (not to be confused with -lPETSc). To ensure these are visible to the compiler, we must add


to the CXXFLAGS. This assumes that PETSc is installed locally, and these environment variables are set up. Furthermore. we add the following to the LDFLAGS:

-Wl,-rpath,$PETSC_DIR/$PETSC_ARCH/lib -L$PETSC_DIR/$PETSC_ARCH/lib -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu

At time of writing, these can be seen in lines 788-815 of, at the top level of Peano.

Internal workflow

During EnumerateAndInit stage, we request one index in the LocalToGlobalMap for each degree of freedom. Each time this occurs, we increase the index count on each subtree. At the end of the traversal, we merge the LocalToGlobalMaps from each subtree back into the main map. We keep a std::map which tracks how many indices were used up by each subtree, so we can issue global Indices sequentially.

During InitVertexDof stage, we store each Value and Rhs that we encounter. When it comes to the InitPetsc stage, we send these values to PetscData class, which then uses these values to initialise two Petsc vectors. So far, we have implemented a method to return the values from the solution vector from PETSc back to C++.